Can a Disney+ Agreement Block a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

August 14, 2024
"It could prevent millions of Disney+ subscribers from pursuing legal action against the company in court."
"It could prevent millions of Disney+ subscribers from pursuing legal action against the company in court."

Disney is attempting to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit brought by Jeffrey Piccolo, whose wife died from an allergic reaction at a Disney restaurant. Disney argues that Piccolo's prior agreement to a Disney+ trial, which included an arbitration clause, should apply to the lawsuit, barring a court trial. Piccolo's lawyer calls this argument unreasonable, emphasizing that it could prevent millions of Disney+ subscribers from pursuing legal action against the company in court. The case underscores the complex interplay between consumer agreements and legal rights. The idea that someone can unknowingly give up their rights for justice and compensation simply by signing up for a trial for an app, will likely not sit well with the judge, let alone the consumer. Most consumer do not even know what they are signing when they agree to the terms and conditions for an app or subscription service. If the court sides with Disney, it will likely have a broad effect with a lot of unintended consequences.

For more information, you can read the full article here.